Describes someone or something that is very good/above average.
Mainly used in a positive way to give relation to pretty much anything in an above average context. Can also be used negatively, but not often.
Words that seem like they are bad, but actually mean good things that it can relate to are: sick and disgusting.
Example: Instead of a skateboarder saying "That was sick dude" you could say "That was dusty dude".
Positive examples:
That girl over there is well dusty .
Who's getting dusty tonight?
This sangria is pretty dusty.
Negative examples:
This is not dusty.
filled with disgusting traits
Seainna said to her dance coach: “That boy is dusty.”
"dusty" is a way of expressing a poo.
This term was used in the BBC Radio 1 show "The 8th" by Charlie Sloth.
That was a big dusty!
Person 1:Ew you got so many dusties under your bed!
Person 2:Yea we should sweep em;I think we have a dusty problem.
Multiple meanings, in this case when used as an adjective.
There's nothing in this room at all/no work to do today/no messages in the inbox, etc - It be dusty as fuck in here.
When a person looks homeless on purpose.
“his dusty ass”
In a sentence:
Jian’s dusty ass spent 5 hours to look like that.