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Smoke em if you got em

1. In a battle, when both sides have ammo, and lots of em, they just let loose.
2. A fast moving ping pong rally.
3. When an activity is chosen, and its not sure if everyone has the required equipment, the leader yells smoke em if you got em, and the activity commences

Ready, aim, smoke em if you got em

by dildo monger June 2, 2004

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whip em up

A retarded ku klux klan member who is retarded and is used as practice by novice klansman to train them to whip negros on the streets in the hood.

Man that whip em up helped me keep my hand strong enough to go on par with the negros.

by Maulga July 19, 2018

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do 'em dry

The act of sexually penetrating someone in such a way as to cause physical pain.

BOSS "Man the sales team are under performing this month"
SALES MANAGER "Dont worry I'm going to do 'em dry till they reach their targets"

by invalidrecord June 28, 2009

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Punch 'Em Poker

A game of Texas Hold Em that will be played all over the world in a few years. Everybody hates a winner, so what better game, than one that rewards a loser.

"Look at this fucking Bruise"

- Mike Jones

by Mike Jones February 10, 2005

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Texas Hold 'Em

While a male is fucking a female doggy style, preferably one with little (to no) anal sex experience, he quickly pulls out and slams his cock in her ass then holds on tight for as long as he can.

My girl never played poker before...so i taught her how to play Texas Hold 'Em

by Luke and Matt from Texas June 22, 2008

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stick em' up

A long, drawn-out story or joke, that NO ONE thinks is funny (except for the person telling it). May sometimes result in an awkward silence or situation. Generally, a "stick emmm' uppppppp" is used in a group setting when one person is really excited about their story, but by the time they look up at their audience, they notice that everyone surrounding them is pulling their eyes and cheeks closer together with their hands... this is the motion for a "stick em' upppp!"

Basically is "stick emm' uppppp" is something similar to when someone smiles, while putting two thumbs up... then quickly changes their expression to annoyed and immediately turns their two thumbs down, implying that something was actually NOT funny (contrary to what the story teller believes).

Sarah: Have you guys see that episode of Fresh Prince where Will is scared of MADD DOGG, but tries to distract him by saying, "You are Dreamminnngggg" (at this point sarah is waving her hands up and down like Will) (she is also laughing so much she can barely speak)

Hamz, Misha, Siymack, Natasha, Sharghi, Baharak, Nima, Assal: (all have their hands on their face, pulling their eyes and cheeks with their fingers, just waiting to say, "Stick em' up!"

sidenote: once you get the hang of it-- all you have to do is start to move your hands towards your face... and the other person will say, "Ok ok , I get it. I'll stop talking now..."

(at this point, you could technically "stick up" these examples)

by Miss Tina August 10, 2007

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Spark em up

To Light up A Cigar filled up with Marijuana

A Biggie there is a Blunt on the counter if you got a lite Spark Em Up

by Bryan K Bradley April 29, 2010

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