Noun: A phenomenon attributed to living things, usually persons, who suffer afflictions that would normally elicit sympathy and compassion, but as a consequence of repellent behavior instead attract denigration and/or hostility.
Derived from Eric the Midget of the Howard Stern Show.
"I just saw a blind guy beating his dog with his cane! He was a classic exemplar of the Eric the Midget Paradox!"
47๐ 6๐
When you suddenly start talking about your ex during a happy occasion.
Shawne: So how was the wedding?
Tom: It was pretty good until the groom got his ring, then he started talking about his ex, like he was never over the break up.
Shawne: Wow, talk about pulling an Eric Weddle.
24๐ 2๐
Pekka-Eric Auvinen is the Finnish perpetrator responsible for the school shooting in 7th of November 2007. The Incident took place in the Jokela School Center.
At approx. 11.40 AM Auvinen started shooting randomly with his small-caliber .22 Sig Sauer Mosquito, killing the school principal, nurse, six students and finally extracted himself from this great applegarden via a bullet in the head.
Finnish newspapers reported that the killer had great respect for the columbine shooters and may have followed their example. Before attaining his killing spree, Auvinen published his "testament" in popular Finnish website, similar to Facebook and MySpace.
The testament is a long-ass rant about how he hates humanity altogether and wishes death for mankind. In here he also reported what he was about to do, a few hours before it happened. The warning went unnoticed though.
In the aftermath of the killings, a UK newspaper The Times reported some nonsense, claiming that the reason for killing is because Finland is dark, cold and socially bad place. This is however untrue. We do live in frozen caves and ride polar bears to supermarkets. The electricity what we use to reload our Nokia cellphones is respectively provided by Thor, the almighty God of Thunder. But what is this internet the Times reporter mentioned? some form of witchery, perhaps?
Man: Heard about the school shooting yet? Pekka-Eric Auvinen did it.
Woman: Yes, terrible tragedy! I have been crying most of the day...
Man: Yes yes, very terrible and all that. So, how about that blowjob?
59๐ 8๐
He was a smart, bright and intelligent young man who got bullied every day in his short life.
Pekka-Eric Auvinen hated the world.
75๐ 12๐
The most amazing guy in the whole wide world.The nicest and cutest guy ever.One of the funniest guys out there.Everything about him is PERFECT.An extremely lovable person,who's especially loved by morgan gonzalez.A guy who makes morgan so happy,and completes her life.The one and only guy that makes morgan happy.The only guy morgan truely cares so much about and would do anything for<3 The only guy morgan could not ever be mad at,even if she tried.Words can't even explain how much he means to morgan.The guy who truely has morgan's heart.Morgan's dream come true<3 Eric Tucker's perfectness is beyond explaining in words.
Eric Tucker
3๐ 17๐
A guy from the Howard Stern show with a really High-pitched voice that sounds like a woman.
Who's High Pitch? This is Kelly Clarkson. If you like my definitions....give me 1000 thumbs up for my quest. Thanks and Bababooey to you!
157๐ 61๐
Legendary Toronto DJ who spins killer vinyl classics of the Rock and Motor City Soul variety into the wee hours of the debauchery-filled morning, often culminating in embarassingly inebriated sing-alongs and complaints from the neighbours.
We got completely shit-faced last night while listening to the sweet sounds of DJ Eric Foreman killing on the wheels of steel.
16๐ 4๐