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fancy pants Friday

A tradition started by those rebelling against business casual friday. Bad-ass business suits and dark shades are preferred, but anything dressier than your Monday-Thursday apparel will work. Bonus points if you can take your dog for a run while wearing your fancy pants.

The Llama - "What's the suit for? Do you have an interview today?"

Me โ€“ "Nah, man. It's just Fancy Pants Friday!"

Adrian โ€“ "Hells yeah, FPF, baby."

by Grandpa Fancy Pants July 27, 2005

84๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

friday night dinner

The greatest British sitcom to exist.

Adam: have you seen Friday Night Dinner?
Johnny: yes.
Jackie: yes.
Jim: Wilson watched it!
Martin: what did you say?

by TopShaggerMemeulous July 15, 2019

84๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Short Pants Friday

The day always falls on the first Friday in April (this is not negotiable). The weather does not matter, the day must go on!
One's ankles must be showing. What one chooses to wear to display their ankles is left entirely to the discretion of the individual. Eligible participants include anyone.

If the weather is still cold, it is meant to prove that hope will prevail regardless! For those who have the joy to already be frolicking through warmer days, it is meant for the simple joy of celebrating their fortune in that warmer weather.

Happy Short Pants Friday!

by shortpantsappreciator March 30, 2010

84๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

African-American Friday

The politically correct reference of "Black Friday"- the shopping day following Thanksgiving.

I woke up at 3:00am on African-American Friday to go Christmas shopping.

by Frank Big November 27, 2010

189๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck-you friday

A Friday on which you refuse all requests and deny all favors, instead cursing out the person who is asking.

You: Hey self, it's another Fuck-You Friday.

Jim: (enters) Can you help me with this report?

You: Not today pal. Fuck you.

by rushoffailure December 29, 2006

3770๐Ÿ‘ 356๐Ÿ‘Ž

Friday Night Funkin

the game is pretty good but the fandom fucking sucks ass

Person 1: "Friday Night Funkin is SO GOOD BFxPICO IS CANON UWU bf likes to be fucked in the ass!!"
Person 2: "wtf"

by vladebil April 8, 2021

289๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

YGS Every friday

a lie a very very big lie

jacksfilms: YGS every Friday
Fans: why do you lie

by no yes no ok July 28, 2019