it is used to trick people into saying gay bitches in a stream, so in a live stream someone would text something along the lines of: do a collab with gabe itches!
Timmythe15junior12345: Do a collab with gabe itches!
Streamer: Who is gaybitches?
Timmythe15junior12345: You don't know who gabe itches is?
Streamer: No?
Chat: mf you're stupid, you just said gay bitches
an joke to tell you your a gay bitch
"what is your name? oh its gabe itch. Get it?"
A kind of itchiness caused by Gabe,it is said if you sleep with him you get the itchiness too.
Gabe or Ron are usually people who do random stuff at random times and are sometimes weird they also like weird cheap mobile games especially games about balloons.
Friend: Hey let’s hang out with Gabe/Ron
Other friend: no
Other friend: because it’s Gabe/Ron he’s just going to be weird and play mobile games