the group is Alex Cebulski, Ana Alatorre, Victoria Maple and Jami Balais. people are scared to talk to them bc they are the most relevant group in 7th. they also think they the shit even tho they are. period. everyone be scared to go up to them cause everyone thinks Ana hates everyone and Alex Cebulski will press you till you cry. Victoria Maple will them drag your ass to the mother fucking ground. And Jami Balais will roast you till you go snitch. Yeah bitch they scary. Periodt.
oh fuck no it’s the group i’m so scared to talk to them they are so relevant bitch what the fuck
Gang Gang🤘🏽🔥 is one of the best group chats
I want to be in the best group chat ever
A social media black hole where people who popped kids out of their vaginas talk shit to each other, about each other and judge hardcore followed my saying "no judging here" but really you are.
You become a whole new type of species, divided among mom religions. Crunchy mom, careless mom, hot mess mom, and i should not be a mom-mom. Everyone is looking for friends constantly but also does not want friends but still try to set up play dates that will never happen. This group holds people who are obsessed with wine and coffee addicts who hate their or each others husbands or both. They have their own language and usually at their peak usage while laying in bed when they have nothing to do or just had a fight with their husband.
Jen "Maggie was talking shit"
Hannah "How do you know it was Maggie"
Jen"Maggie is in that mom group"
Hannah: "It was def Maggie"
Who wants to join our mom group? We totally need new friends and play dates.
The Lit Group is filled with a bunch of amazing friends, mainly people with the names Skylar, Wyatt, Logan, and Angela. There is at least two people who don't get along with each other. And they love to blow each others phone up. They establish a bunch of rules, and everyone is jealous of them. There is also one person that has a crush on another person in the friend group. But overall, they are amazing and everyone wants to be just like them.
When a group of homies have a girl come to top off everyone.
We need to get a girl here for the group succ.
There’s always one of these in any school.
There’s the loud one, the mom of the group, the one that’s always sleeping, the funny one and then the “wtf” one
That’s the chaotic friend group, you should avoid them
Kylan. A funny little guy, only 4 years old. He's just a baby. Maggie; a sweetheart. Brynn; sexy as hell. Brynn and Maggie are going to Grey Day. FInally, Liam. The edge master. The cumming queen. Gay as hell too. Kylan edges also. Hell yeah. Brynn and Maggie are normal. K bye gay hoes
"Oh, that's just Liam and Kylan. They do it together all the time."