You will not find another school that spends 2.8 million dollars to turn an average bus stop into a train station, I mean who even cares if we die of heat stroke when we’re trying to do maths because we don’t have air conditioning. From Franny to Parso we’ve got the best teachers. We’ve also got amazing students that are kind, caring and don’t do drugs ;)
Alstonville High School the best in the country
28👍 4👎
High school in East Texas full of white preppy white kids, rednecks, and drug dealers. Nick named "Lindale Christian Academy" for having private school like rules, while being a public school. Home of the Flock, a bunch of shit talking white kids that will try to fight every other schools student section. Lindale hires the shittiest administration staff, principals, and vice principals, that will ruin your day, everyday. In the student parking lot, all of the fuck tards boys drive Jettas, and park in the back. The rednecks parks their annoying ass trucks in the front corner. The girls drive jeeps, and moms cars, and park in the middle sides. Nobody at this school can keep a secret so expect the whole school to hear the drama in about a day. School Rival- Van (The fucking bum fuck retard rednecks to the north of us) School colors- Royal Blue and White (NO BLACK...thats not allowed) Best graduating class- 2017. Worst graduating class- 2021 and up.
We played Lindale High School in football, and whooped their ass.
Lindale = Prada , Van = Walmart
30👍 5👎
The school that everyone in the county hates. The school whos sports teams all suck, except precious baseball of course. The school where every year we sport our orange and black and yell ram chops just to get killed by rhs again. The school where you can go into any bathroom at any given time on any day and find someone smoking. The school where you know that our security guard fought Chuck Norris. The school that has the widest range of people from red neck to black to white ghetto fab. The school that has figured out almost every "cheat the system" websites to get on myspace or facebook. The school where girls get into more fights than the guys. The school that contains about 90% of druggies.
Over all, the school no one wants to go to.
student 1:"Go SHS! Yeah Ram Chops!"
student 2:"Hey man, you know Riverview High School beats Sarasota High School every year.. Why even cheer?"
student 1:"Hey man put your cigarette out, Judge is coming"
student 2:"Shit she fought Chuck Norris, I'm not messing with her."
110👍 25👎
LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL's like MLK Blvd.'s can usually be found in the urban ghettos of American cities. Usually, they contain a disproportionately high percentage of African-American and/or Hispanic students.
"I went to Lincoln High School, so you know it was not private, and it was not prep."
476👍 131👎
A school that makes all other schools located in Montgomery County piss their pants. Mainly controlled by black people, the security guards come to their aid when there are fights. For example, a black kid gets in a fight with another black kid and they just break it up. A white kid beats up another white kid and they get suspended/expelled. We go so hard that we bring unloaded guns to school. Our football team sucks and so does every other sport. Our chess team is the only thing that "redeems" us from sucking balls so hard. The groups are ghetto kids, sportsy kids, art kids (choir, drama, scene kids, etc.), skaters, and weird ass kids that hang out with other weird ass kids.
Also known as "Norf Wess Hi Skoo" which was repeated almost everyday over the announcements by Mrs. Morrison until she was FINALLY fired. You go PTA!
"Northwest High School is really fucking gay"
"Oh shit nigga all my cousins go dere"
183👍 47👎
the worst school in the history of mankind. everyone there is fucking mentally retarded. all they care about is weed and sex.
person a: hey what school do you go to?
person b: bayside high school.
person a: LOL you're fucked bud.
32👍 5👎
A hell-hole of a high school in a rich suburban city in Texas. EXTREMELY high standards and very difficult classes.
Top 10% usually have at LEAST a 5.4
Therefore if you get all As in advanced (regular) classes then it is impossible to be in the top. Most kids take take many honors and/or AP classes.
As far as extracurricular there it has an amazing band, choir, color guard, cross country, soccer, team, theater, swimming and diving. There is also a kick-ass decathlon team~! Plus, the art program is beyond belief with their talent.
Almost half are Asian kids (love them :3) and it is verrrrrrrrry diverse with people from almost every country around the globe.
The actual builiding has almost no windows and is not very nice. However the area it is located in is extremely affluent and seeing lots of lexus, bmw, mercedes benz, etc cars is a common site at clements. Some of these kids are very snooty but only a few.
Overall there are alot of super smart kids who will go off to do great things which is a blessing and curse with so much pressure to succeed!
EXTRA: Youtube star Kevjumba attended this school until 2008.
girl: Where do you go to school?
boy:Clements High School...
girl: ...Oh jeez im sorry D:
140👍 34👎