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Jimmy neutron

The lord our god we praise him so that we may live

Hail Jimmy Neutron Hail Jimmy Neutron hail Jimmy Neutron

by ALL-HAIL-JIMMY-NEUTRON October 23, 2019

jimmy nuttron

When you bust a nut so hard your IQ goes up

I busted a jimmy nuttron before our math test

by Jimmy Nuttron November 14, 2019

hit that jimmy

to hit on a man in a sexual manner

Girl 1: That guy is so hot!
Girl 2: I know, I'm about to go hit that jimmy!

by bighoss101 February 4, 2015


The thing you put over your penis when you engage in sexual activity!!!!

I need to buy a jimmy hat.

by i am a big marshmallow sucker September 20, 2017

Jimmy pants

Ridiculously tight male dress pants, predominantly in the butt area. May cause restricted circulation, dizziness, difficulty breathing and infertility.

Ladies love Jimmy pants!

by Hangryness May 16, 2014

Squimmy Jimmy

When a couple does anal for so long, the dick starts to push in there stomach. The acid from the stomach starts to corrode the dick. Since there dick is in the liquid acid the dick starts to get very soggy, and falls off as well being dissolved in the stomach. The dick is now a small little stub that looks like an erect clit, with balls, that can only wiggle and squirm.

"Becka, I can't believe what happened last night. My boyfriend gave me anal, it felt so good, after an hour or so I gave him a Squimmy Jimmy. Now I don't gotta worry about him cheating on me anymore!"

by OpenMindedBagels March 10, 2018

Jimmy Stathis

he’s very famous and very smart. like he’s very famous! keeps the gc going at 2am in the morning (his time). did i mention he’s very famous! jimmy if u see this i’m ur biggest fan and ur so funny.

JiMmY StAtHiS iS fAmOuS?
iS hE?

by smiles4cv on instagram :) June 6, 2019