Losing your extremely high-profile, high-paying job, your wife, your children and your mind and being too prideful to get help with the drug addiction and anger issues that caused you to lose them.
"I'm not bi-polar; I'm bi-winning!" -- Charlie Sheen, about his current winning streak
The eternal state of Charlie Sheen. What Charlie Sheen thinks he is doing.
I am on a drug – it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body. I'm winning!
Winning- What Charlie Sheen is doing right now.
hey dude im winning just like Charlie Sheen
The act of being Charlie Sheen
Lets talk about something exciting, Me!!!...winning!
What Charlie Sheen is doing.
Charlie Sheen: "I just got fired from my job on two and a half men, got drunk, and beat up a hooker"
Charlie Sheen's therapist: "How do you feel about the reprocusions of your actions?"
Charlie Sheen: "duh, winning."
What Charlie Sheen is currently doing. It's made out of tiger blood. :d
Interviewer: Are you bipolar?
Charlie Sheen: I'm bi-winning. Win here, win there, win everywhere.
Cheap Wine, fresh sushi and legendary Car Sex
Some winning right now would be amazing