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below sea level

to catch someone "below sea level" is to catch someone staring at someone's ass. when a "big booty hoe" walks around, you can catch many guys below sea level.

Person 1: Holy SHIT that girl thicc
Person 2: Yea man I can't help looking below sea level !

by primetrack November 28, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

deep sea fishbowlin

(verb) the act of deep throating a penis, shaft, or rod. Often times gagging noises are made.

Last night, she was really horny, and she decided to go deep sea fishbowlin.

I love when she goes deep sea fishbowlin

by room303umc February 17, 2011

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Sea of Japan

the body of water between Korea and Japan. Area:391,100 sq. mi./1,012,945 sq. km.

The Sea of Japan is labelled as the East Sea in Chinese maps dating to the 14C. and the term Sea of Korea, Sea of China, Sea of Japan, Oriental Sea are all found in European maps dating before the 20C.

by J RO May 24, 2005

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The Seven Seas

Boston's famous Faneuil Hall

Gene Hackman likes to go whale hinting in the seven seas.

by Donson May 21, 2008

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swimming in the red sea

To perform oral sex on a woman while she is on her period.

Baby, I love you so much that for our anniversary, I'm gonna go swimming in the Red Sea.

by Grouch April 20, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Sea-saw

The two participants in the act will need the following items:
A clear plastic tube, one gallon of milk, lube,

The first participant will insert one end of the clear plastic tube into their rectum. The second participant would then proceed to poor as much milk as possible into the rectum of participant one. Now, with participant two at a higher elevation they will insert the other end of the tube into their rectum. At this point the tube should be inserted into both anuses, and milk should still be in the colin of participant one. Now the participants will begin to change elevation so the delicious mix of fecal matter and milk will flow onto the open rectum of participant two. The participants may continue this as many times as desired, it is customary to share the used milk as a snack afterwards.

last night, I saw two lesbians doing a Russian Sea-saw I still dont know if i was turned on or if I was vomiting out of distaste.

by Cole McAwsomedude III December 21, 2009

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Salty Sea Slapper

or the Salty Sea Slapper one must arrive at their mates house with a bucket of warm salty sea water sequestered from the near by ocean or body of salt water. The female will take a mouthful of warm sea water and blow the penis hole of the man until he gets a boner. The male now slaps his partners cheeks with his penis until all the warm ocean water are splurged from her mouth.

"I'm wearing your favorite lingerie and have a nice full bucket of salty sea water here waiting for you."

"Boys, looks like shes gonna get the salty sea slapper tonight!"

by Rapture333 April 29, 2009

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