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shrek is a lovely green, tall ogre. He lives in a swamp with his beautiful wife Fiona. He loves to eat eye balls and make candles with his ear wax. He has 2 cup like ears that poke of the sides of his head and he has a big nose. he wears a white tunic with a small toga like vest over his shoulders. he is very tall and most villagers are afraid of him, although he is nothing to be afraid of. the word shrek comes from the the german word ‘Schreck’ and it means Fright or Terror.

Shrek is a caring green ogre

by imfiona September 8, 2018


The holy god of Earth and Sun

Andy : wanna visit holy god ?
Morty : yes shrek papa ye lol goon gang gig gang E

by The man behind the Shrek June 9, 2020


Mah green bbyyyyy


by Danny Dumptruck November 22, 2021


A unit of time - approximately 1 hour 35 minutes (the length of the movie)

Wow, that concert went for so long!
Yeah, it was like 3 Shreks long!

by PPratty February 24, 2020


Shrek is a god. Shrek is love shrek is life. Shrek is a cartoon character, a green ogre with big ears. To some he is JUST a cartoon character, but to others he is an amazing god and he is a whole religion also a sexuality called #shreksexual" and he is called a god because of the meme community

-why is he so obsessed with shrek
-how cant he be

by Chicken_Noodle_Soup_YEET October 24, 2019


God and donky is jesus

Bob: why is donky Jesus and not one of shrek's kids

Billy: we dont talk about that

by Shrek is god October 30, 2019


The reason why we live, our lord and savior

Shrek is love Shrek is life

by I made over one definition June 23, 2021