Similiar to the Hoop Earring Theory. The size of the dog correlates the level of a woman's promiscuity. The smaller the breed, the higher level of promiscuity.
"Hey man, I met this girl at the dog park. She's got a chihuahua, and she seems into me."
"She is into everyone man, its the Small Dog theory."
Due to the lack of potential partners at a dead bar, everyone begins hitting on the same person, regardless if they are sexually attractive or not. (Similar to "Beer Goggles")
"What happened... Why did we stay at Pete's for so long?
"Man it was Small Bar Syndrome, that girl was not hot."
Small Pet Select is a rabbit website specializing in hay, pellets and other goods such as hay mixes. When you have a rabbit, it's best to order from Small Pet Select. Their hay, once ordered, is cut and shipped on the same day. Pellets are shipped immediately as well, and made without pesticides.
Rabbit Owner 1: My new hay just came in from Small Pet Select!
Rabbit Owner 2: Cool!
Another way of referring to a fragile ego. SPS is not necessarily correlated with penis size; a man with a massive penis can have SPS, and a man with a tiny penis may not have SPS.
Small Penis Syndrome is what insecure people have; they often compare themselves to others way too much, and get angry when they are not the best at something, in the same way that someone might get angry if they don't have the biggest penis. They often overcompensate for their insecurities with big trucks, large houses, massive muscles, and fat bank accounts. This is not to say that people with those things have SPS, but often people with SPS try to attain those things as items of what a 'successful' person looks like.
"That guy has a gigantic truck with insane exhaust on it, he's probably overcompensating for his small penis syndrome."
a person i once know stated that he was going to clap them small but gentle cheeks so i wanted to share it with you all
"look at her small but gentle cheeks"
"bro how do you know they are small but gentle"
" i don't f*ckin know"
When your wrestling partner picks you up in the hallway for missing practice
A person namely called Sam who is small and is like a horse in a race with Blinkers on. Has one view and everyone is wrong and hates everyone who does not see his point of view. Sam is always right and his views when not seen sees his viscous syndrome come out called people vagina face and cunter. Sam can be nice but don't let his small sam syndrome come out.
Why is your small Sam syndrome coming out, no need mate !!!!