Source Code

concert hoe

someone who goes to 50+ concerts year

"have you seen Rachael?"
"nah she's at catfish and the bottleman concert tonight"
"she's such a concert hoe."

by zen November 23, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

hoe syndrome

a disease caught when a hoe touches u. to cure it u drink holy water or eat a jolly rancher blessed by a southerner.

oh no that hoe touched me now I have hoe syndrome

by kmp34 May 26, 2016

Quiet Hoe

A girl who doesn't look, act, or present themselves as a hoe. But deep down inside, she a skanky hoe.

John: Did you know about Jane? She blew 3 guys at the party.
Jim: I can't believe that, she's a good girl. She's probably never kissed a boy!
John: Nah bro, she's one of them quiet hoes.

by Sparky308 February 16, 2015

Ratchet Hoe

1.) rach-it - Noun - This refers to a promiscuous woman that is used to help get a nut off.

2.) rach-it - Noun - Women that can be used like the (ratchet) tool to help get a tricky nut off.

I need to find me a Ratchet Hoe, cause I ain't sprayed my seed in awhile mang.

by SearcherofTheStrange May 29, 2014

129๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

hoe stroll

an area, or street, that's known for it's hoes. a place to go when lookin for a hoe.

where can i find a fine hoe. check out da hoe stroll on el camino.

by yay area baby May 29, 2005

83๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who becomes a hoe when they drink alcohol. They fuck anything with two legs and that can walk. Beware of these people as you are likely the next victim

Girl 1: did you hear Barbara slept with Derrick, Gerrard and Bernard last night

Girl 2: Yeh she got so drunk

Girl 1: What an Alcho-hoe

by sxc-bitxh November 7, 2010

392๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pioneered around 2002 by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz, this is a common thing to yell at someone when they ask "Where are you from?"

Also, very common to yell this at a trap concert in Atlanta, or any concert if you want others to know you're from Atlanta.

Hey, where are you from?


by supergecko007 October 26, 2016

101๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž