When you do something with full intention Of saying something completely dumb, stupid or not socially excepted. You typically will tell a story or a piece of a story followed up by saying all dumb and then a laughing.
I went to my kids PTA meeting with a 40oz in their backpack so I could keep my buzz going. All-Dumb.
That sweater is so ugly. It’s color is filthy too.. dumb red. Who would buy that? Only a Chad that flexes in the mirror while recording himself rapping along to the song playing.
When someone’s just the highest level of stupid and dumb.
Person 1: get the dark colored one
Person 2: no! why dose it matter?
Person 1: because it’s the smart thing to do!
Person 2: I’m going to beat the shit out of you!!
Person 1: you’re just illegally dumb!!!!!
Is some who thinks their ideas are so great every one will buy it ,and thinks of them self as highly educated. They think they have the ability to manipulate others ideas about what they should do in the moment.
Gil is such a Dumb fund. She is trying to head but a donkey, but she couldn't even tie her own shoe laces. And the donkeys already winning.
An ugly ass bitch who will make you understand why people bleach their eyes
Those north catholic girls are dumb uggs!
Named for Patient Zero, this illness was first discovered in Washington DC in 2011. Categorized as a special kind of stupid, this malady directly affects the IQ and causes it to drop to under 60 points. Symptoms include feigning expertise on an unfamiliar subject and the ability to verbalize nonsense.
That idiot has a clear case of Rand Dumb.