Kermit the frog dressed in a suit. A frog who loves bombs, and will often ask if you want any bombs.
A frog who has amassed immense power and is able to travel through timelines and forever escape the sights of the TVA.
A frog who only wants respect from his peers and wants friendship, make sure to give him his respect or else.
"Hey look its Gary Sans, I wonder if he will ask me if I want any bombs?"
Someone who does all of the hard work of buttering up a girl, only for someone else to swoop in and steal the benefits. Gary spends a lot of time being nice and making the girl feel really 'comfortable' for only for someone cooler to actually get laid off it. He tries too hard, but always ends up getting the girl in the mood for someone to take over. "Jim" (Jim's mowing) is the counterpart who usually "cut's his grass" and takes all the benefit of poor Gary laying all the ground work.
Fucking Jared stole that blonde off Joel the other night. Joel was doingthe biggest Gary Groundwork chatting to her all night, and Jared just steps in at the last minute and starts tongue lashing her. What a fuckwit.
the sexiest memer there has ever lived, also looks a tad bit like a garden gnome, but other than that she's pretty hawt.
wow did you see that girl, she looks like a Gari Jo.
Gary is the 2nd best he is cool and also sonic. Gary is super sexy and amazing Gary is such a cool guy we all love gary gary is such a big man
Katy: Wow look its gary
Brittany: Oh yeah I love gary
Katty:Same gary is so hot
Brittany: No gary is mine
Katty: No Brittany I love him !
Brittany: No katty he loves me !
Katty: let's stop and agree Gary is the best
Brittany: yes Gary is the best
The act of continuous nagging, complaining, and bitching about others in your place of work
Man, stop garying, just do your own fucking job
Gary is a dumb boy but he does pack over 8 inches xx. he wants to be a pornstar when he grow up. has huge crush on will
Super cool and famous nugget man that cries a lot. Gets loads of bitches tho bc he is so sexy. Only friend is british😜
Do you know gary..harrison? Yeah he is so sexy! What a sexy beast.