Source Code

lane regret

When you switch lanes in a supermarket and end up taking longer

Bill swapped lane to a smaller one in tesco his line went faster he had lane regret

by Painy March 15, 2016

Logan Lane


Logan Lane cooks spaghetti with raw meatballs and no sauce

by aerialsexy October 6, 2022


A driver who transitions fluidly between driving lanes on the road, often times driving simultaneously in multiple lanes.

No, that wasn't reckless driving officer, I just identify as lane fluid.

by niggman star33 June 14, 2024

dollop lane

the lane you go down on the way to Red Sands. you and your mates all sit on a skater and fang it down the lane and yous mosty always stack it and hurt yourslef

Ben: tommo you comin red sands next week
Tommo: yeh braz but i dun wana go down dollop lane agen im still fucked up from that shit!

by benjohnson April 29, 2005

Licorice Lane

When you and your boys set out to get laid with you black friend, but fail, leading to interracial bro sex

Man those girls were hot, but fuck it it let's just get an uber to licorice lane.

by Soccerdude2019 April 14, 2022

Kristian Lane

Kind, Loving, Sexy, and Smart. Are only a few descriptors of the Wonderful, Sent from Heaven, and Perfectly Complex Kristian.

It is impossible to not like Kristian.

All women love Kristian.

Kristian loves all women. However, does not have a strong thirst and lust like those with the name Andreano.

On cold days Kristian's penis length ranges from 9-12 inches.

On warm days Kristian's penis can grow to almost a football pitch.

Kristian's awesomeness cannot be compared to any worldly thing.

He is the coolest and most popular of his friends.

Any Girl: Wow, I can see his massive dick bulging out his pants.

Any Guy: I wish I could be that cool.

Playboy Models: I wish someone like Kristian Lane was in the business.

by KoolGuyKeml56746 May 15, 2018

lane exchange

When 2 cars in different lanes both switch into their counterpart's lane at the same time.

eg: Car A moves from the left lane into the right lane. At precisely the same time Car B moves from the right lane into the left lane.

Commonly the cars involved in the lane exchange are in close proximity (1-3 cars apart) however an exchange can take place over greater distance without either party being aware of it.

The lane exchange is Mother Nature's way of returning traffic pressure to equilibrium.

by kittridge August 28, 2008