the most lesbian sex you’ll ever have, even for a man.
i just had the mia last night from my boyfriend. i didn’t cum
God. Most sexiest and hottest being alive. Everyone worships them.
Mia Norah is my god.
Great duo just a little bit gae😽
They Are planning their Wedding soon im 100% sure,even tho they have crushes that doesn’t mean they can’t love eachother 💖💖💖Mia is a cancer ♋️ she is loving and a psychopath <3 and you have Sajra on the other hand she is same as Mia just a bit normal than her.That is an amazing gae duo ,you can be their friend easily 💟.
?:omg who are they?
?:Oh don’t worry that are mia and sajra everyone loves(hates too)them🏳️ 🌈just they are bit gae
A phrase from the main character in the video game Mario.
Mario say's momma mia in video games.
A Mia Brianne is very creative. She will surprise you on how many DIYs she can think about. She is verrrrryyyy beautiful. Her eyes are so pretty. She would make for a perfect girlfriend. She also is loving and caring. A Mia Brianne is perfect.
Mia Brianne, a amazing beauty.
something Trevor will never understand,
deffinition: the way in which Mia and her perfectly perfect life think that no one understands because it will only make sense to a Mia.
Mia logic said by Mia: being b is a.