Source Code

Froggy Bot

Froggy bot is contrary to popular belief one of if not the best bot ever made in discord history. It was written by a very good coder guy "Marsmi" and has developed an incredible AI which is learning while you talk to him. It had many cool features like minigames, image and fun commands.

guy1: yo is that Marsmi no way dude!!!
guy2: yeah he made this cool bot called Froggy Bot
guy1: yooooo lets go talk to him
Marsmi: hey bro want an autograph
Manjot (aka. 8gb ram guy): lmfaoio bad bot doge better!!1!1!!
N1ck: hey im 15 and im very god coder my code is so hot I wanna marry it
Misterp: lol i image my phone broke and 1gb ram 😎

by Marsmi March 31, 2022

Cake Bot

When someone steals your Legos at the doctor's office.

You're a cake bot!

by jakethesnak2012 February 21, 2018


botting is a skinny twiggy cunt with no friends and is gay as fuck, but has a hot sister

holy shit its a fuckin botting

by beans holder October 7, 2021

bot commands

bot commands useless piece of chat. Seriously, who uses that novadays? It's so stupid and it's doesn't even exist!
Only pussies using it for bot commands. We have cool #tabs and #general for that. Pffft.

Yato: bot commands
Literally everyone: NO SHUT UP WE WON'T!!1!

by Terren October 17, 2019

bot commands

The secret to summon a dumbass Masterchill

Random Person: bot commands
Masterchill: no bot commands here

by cxlinee⁷ June 7, 2022

botting about

Just hanging around. Slouching, pottering.

Me and my fella were just botting about yesterday.

by ritzon February 15, 2016

Siya Bot

Siya is a versatile chat bot designed to elevate your Discord server experience. As a multipurpose bot, Siya offers a diverse range of features to streamline server management, engage your community, and bring fun to your interactions.

Siya boasts an array of powerful tools, including advanced moderation features to keep your server safe and organized. From automated moderation to customizable filters, Siya helps maintain a healthy and enjoyable environment for your members.

But Siya doesn't stop there. With a collection of interactive and entertaining commands, Siya brings a touch of fun and engagement to your server. From games and trivia to image manipulation and music playback, Siya ensures there's never a dull moment.

Who is Siya Bot , ha ha Siya is the best discord Chat Bot

by CreeperBoi2 November 26, 2023