Another name for Aluminium Foil
Steve, suck my balls, but I'll wrap them in silver paper first
нет худа без добра
every cloud has a silver lining
New word - HopShop-Silvers
Brief Description/meaning - Is a combination of two words describing a trend that boomed among the senior citizens mainly during the 2020 Corona pandemic lock down.
The ‘HopShop-Silvers' describes seniors who learned to use the Internet for comparison food/groceries shopping during the corona pandemic. Now, they simply enjoy spending a whole lot of time hopping (online) from stores to stores doing comparison shopping like before; only now they do it sitting at home comfortably without a mask and like to talk about their experiences on the phone excitedly.
Other forms of usage - Idiom/phrase - ‘Hopping Shopping Silvers’
Parts of speech - Noun
Usage in a sentence - I hadn't seen elderly Mr. and Mrs. S recently. They used to go to all different stores in the neighborhood every week, compare prices, check expiration dates, etc. before buying any food item. They still do that . Only, now they proudly call themselves, HopShop-Silvers.
The most braindead stand that takes about -2 braincells to be used with it's stupid 2 barrages plus its stupid cw move and its stupid pilot and its stupid yos and its stupid speed buff and its stupid pilot range and also the model looks mad goofy. Thank goodness it got nerfed.
"Hey silver chariot requiem, 1v1?"
*scr user proceeds to do the stupid ahh combo that does 97% of ur health*
scr user: "lol fight back ez"
The act of witnessing a god like being known as a stand, (however this stand being a sexy ass cowboy man) Silver Chariot Requiem is a matt black arrow wielding cowpoke with a bad attitude, mans can flip your shit with the snap of his twisty misty fingies and won't feel bad about it. On seeing him there is only one correct response...
Holy fucking shit, it's motherfucking silver chariot requiem!
When two sexual partners engage in doggy style in a walk in freezer. When the man is about to ejaculate he pulls out and discharges over the female's back and rubs it in. This will cause the woman to exclaim 'ooo, ooo' like a gorilla due to the extreme sudden heating of the woman's back during said ejaculation. For added realism the man may beat his chest at the point of orgasm,remove pubic hairs and sprinkle on semen or make an African American individual the sexual partner.
Hey babe, wanna have the sexy time?
Only if we do The Silver-Back Gorilla.