Another word for a nicotine device. A softer version of “vape”
“Aye Jeff, can I hit your boof? My mitts are shaking my guy” “Sorry my shits dead, gotta get a new boof tomorrow”
A nickname for one of my pet rats Ruth (not pictured).
Me: Who’s hungry?! Boof is! Ope! So is brosie and booby! (Nicknames for the other two, Rosa and ruby)
Ruth: *is fat* *eats as much as possible in one bite*
yo, you got the boof?
yea I got the boof!
gas pack Boof, yeah I'm smokin boof
Something that will deliver a hit of aerosolized weed.
Ay man gimme da boof.
Can I hit cha' boof?
It basically means dumb, stupid ir retarded
Bruh thats so boof, it doesn’t even make ant sense.
Boof is the name of something that is meant to be smoked Eg: Joint, vape , cigarette, cigar etc.
“Pass the boof bra” says Ayden asking for the disposable vape
To shove something up your ass, most often times drugs
“What happened to the 1 ply toilet paper? I boofed it.”