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Cyber bullying

The taking away of things including sanity life and items in a game

james throws my items away and it’s cyber bullying

by One grassy hopper69 July 12, 2019

Cyber Bullying

To lose an online game to a significant other

My fiancé beat me at 8-ball she was cyber bullying me.

by NateDog15 August 28, 2023

Collective bully

A group of people that together, in numbers (a safe position), has the personality of a bully.

The collective bully was waving at and teasing that guy.

by The Original Agahnim December 18, 2021

Collective bully

A group of people that thinks they are nice and unselfish, but is really a bully together.

He had broken free of the chokehold on his mind (and body) of the collective bully.

by Solid Mantis April 28, 2021

Collective bully

A group of people that tries to push one person around.

A collective bully is still a bully, just like a collective asshole that seems like it has many nice and unselfish parts is still an asshole.

by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021

National Bullying Jess Day

January 25th is national bullying Jess day. If you know anyone named Jess this is the day to attack them.

January 25th is national bullying Jess day!

by Anonymous270907 January 25, 2022

Bully people above 6ft

Bully people that are taller than 6ft every day

Person a: hey it's bully people above 6ft day
Person b: runs

by Waveo 06 November 2, 2020

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