Abbreviation for "Chinese Nationalist"
"I bummed a lot of cigarettes from a Chi-Nat in college. He was from Taiwan"
Chemo chi is an Asian tern describing a feeling of overwhelming bliss when engaged in deep sensual and/or sexual activity while under the the influence of certain drugs. The net effect is due to a generous flowing of the positive life force "chi" through the body, mind and psyche. Westerners usually describe it as a powerful dopamine reaction in the brain caused by certain substances/
Deep in erotic sensations Ah, chemo chi! Go on, lose yourself in this infinite moment of pleasure.
Is a form of taking advantage of someone
pisstake takingthemicky
Tom:You just lost 5 -0 and had no shots on target 0% possession
Gary : Are you trying to take me for chi wa wa ?
Chi minh, a very kind-hearted person when it comes to girls but when it comes to his bestfriends, usually a d*ck. This name is normally a asian name, specifically a vietnamese person. Tends to be rich and gets whatever he wants but lives in the ghetto. Loves money a lot and tends to sell candy in school to make more money. He wears prescription glasses and never wants to take them off. He is also really ugly... Chi minh has a small dick but is very popular. He is a very ballsy person and gets into lots of trouble. Chi minh says the N word WAY TOO MUCH and acts very cocky. He even walks like he all big and tough but in reality, he's really short and can't fight. Chi Minh acts way to immature and when his friends parents first meet him, they tend to not like him after first glance.
Person 1 :I'm hungry, do you have food?
Chi minh: You can eat my meat.
Person 1: F*ck you
Chi minh, a very kind-hearted person when it comes to girls but when it comes to his bestfriends, usually a d*ck. This name is normally a asian name, specifically a vietnamese person. Tends to be rich and gets whatever he wants but lives in the ghetto. Loves money a lot and tends to sell candy in school to make more money. He wears prescription glasses and never wants to take them off. He is also really ugly... Chi minh has a small dick but is very popular. He is a very ballsy person and gets into lots of trouble. Chi minh says the N word WAY TOO MUCH and acts very cocky. He even walks like he all big and tough but in reality, he's really short and can't fight. Chi Minh acts way to immature and when his friends parents first meet him, they tend to not like him after first glance.
Person 1 :I'm hungry, do you have food for me?
Chi minh: You can eat me meat.
Person 1: F*ck you
The Aggie (Texas A&M) version of frats. White or whitewashed, cultish, racist, preppy, wealthy, coke-ridden, conservative, WASPy, and overall entitled and annoying frat. Think my daddy is a lawyer or Touch me and my Daddy will sue core. Somehow all become successful businessmen or lawyers.
Anytime I hear a sigma chi say in hoc, I want to choke myself
a stupid yucky sticky frat for boys and kissing each other on the lips
I love kissing my brothers at Alpha Chi Rho