A mixture of an asshole and a douchebag. Used as an insult to specifically a man.
You're cheating on me? You shitty douche!
When your turd hits the water in the toilet so hard it backsplashes all over your ass.
"You're such a Texas Douche...no better than an ass covered in shit water."
a vessel in which you store you douche contents
Example: yo that person is such a Douche Container
example 2: your moms vagina
1. The inablitly to see that a person is a douche bag.
2. The inablity to self-realize doucheyness.
1. "Why is she talking to that collar popper?"
"Mindy? Total douche blindness."
2. "I'm going out with Mindy tonight, Ed Hardy or Tap Out brah?"
A douche bag roaming free and unattached looking for his next victim.
Ansley finally broke up with her boyfriend. Now he's a douche on the loose.
Person who talks loudly on phone around a captive audience (i.e. In an elevator, a train, dorm room, or other group setting) and says ignorant, obnoxious, or simply TMI kinds of things.
In a dorm, late at night:
Your room-mate on the phone: "Don't worry dude, you didn't know you had (horrendous STD) before you started dating her, if she breaks up with you over that, she's just not the one."
You text your friend: "My room-mate is a total Phone-douche!"
All the while you cover your ears under your blanket imagining smashing his phone/asking God what you did to deserve this.
When the douchiness abounds.
Douchiness galore.
Man those people are stupid. Douches wild.