conservatives that are highly religious, politically engaged and both socially and economically conservative, according to the Pew Research Center
“So, where exactly do you stand politically?”
“Oh, I consider myself to be a faith and flag conservative.”
A student in La Salle College named lau tsz hong is a flag brother.
When you paint your cock to look as if it was a flag. Then you insert a metal or wooden rod in your urethra. Next you take a powerful concoction of Red Bull, Viagra, and Cocane. Generally the top does this act while the bottom consumes laxatives.
John and Josh wanted to perform the American flag shaft, but they had no paint and laxatives
Intensely masturbating while inserting the pole of an American flag to assert territory for the United States into the urethra.
Joe: Don't you ever just want to stick a flag down your urethra?
Terry: Yeah I was flag polling last night.
When a girl is pee-pooping on her period.
Black being the poop
Yellow being the pee
And red being the period blood
"Just had a german flag, shits painfull"(This was made in honor of a tik toker called arsenicnitrogen)
When a girl is pee-pooping on her period.
Black being the poop
Yellow being the pee
And red being the blood.
(This was made in honor of a tik tok user called arsenicnitrogen)
"Just had a german flag, shit painfull"
When a girl is pee-pooping on her period.
Black being the poop
Yellow being the pee
And red being the blood.
"Just had a german flag, shit painfull"