Source Code


This a shortcut for False eyelashes, False eyelashes are something girls and other genders glue onto their eyelids for their eyelashes to look bigger / etc for any purpose.

Can you buy me some flashes from the store and some flash glue? / Anita

Yeah OfCourse i can girl i gotchu, is this your first-time wearing flashes / Cornelia

by Randompersonhelpingppl April 17, 2023


sucky software developed by macromedia/adobe
Also: see fail

wtf??! where did that random line come from? god i hate flash

by heffer101 March 10, 2008


To almost black out while going off on someone.

To Snap.

Chic 1: Girl, me and Johnny got into yesterday.
Chic 2: Whaaat...again? What happened girl?
Chic 1: Girl, I found out he's been creeping on the low and honey...I just flashed on him.

by Miss Smith87 January 17, 2017


Fastest man alive.

"Did you see that streak?" "Of course you didn't, that was the Flash."

by Gh0stR4t April 17, 2015


To lose ones temper

" I kept telling her to leave me alone and she wouldn't so I flashed"

by Fiona Apple April 2, 2018


The look of shock or curiosity a person (mostly females) gets on their face when exposed to the genitals of one of the opposite. Wide eyed hand covered open mouth, sometimes gasping. The intoxication that feeds exhibitionist.

‘OMG Susie, look at that guy flashing us; I’m so flash-eyed!’… blush

by Uncle Charles 354 January 4, 2014

virtually flashing

The act of sending a naked picture to someone else without being asked to via any digital means.

I was virtually flashing today. I sent a picture of my junk to a girl I met.

by Amishoney January 25, 2015