A fat guy who gets mad bitches and never wears a shirt. Often the center of attention. Gives no fucks what people think about him.
"Yo, did you see Biig Jay at that party last night?!"
"Yeah man! FAT SAVAGE wasn't playin any games!"
A drug dealer that consumes his own product.
Its really dry around here there must be a fat elf must work this territory.
abreviation of pasty. often used to insult a person thts been on the ginsters for quite a while.
calling them a fat bugger in other words
o, look at daz hes such a fat past.
"what the fats!" is a very similar to what the hell,what the mess? we can use this when some fat people violate you while you walk or standing in the crowded place.
what the fats!! are you blind!!
When someone is being the absolute worst (stealing memes, abusing power in Discord, etc.)
Nohl: "Does anyone have anything to say before we banish Jordan for meme stealing?"
Cooper: "Lol yeah Jordan is fat bad"
adj. The pinnacle of the hierarchy of the fat scale. A phrase to describe a person so fat that they are unable to walk and must use a scooter at the store.
Dude: Man, how big is she like chubby?
Dude #2: No Dude, like rotund huge!
Dude #1: O no, she's scooter fat
Dude #2: Yea scooter fat