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He had a farm until a fast food chain stole it

-Old McDonald had a farm

by BQ-498 March 5, 2024


tastes like shit, only the apple slices are good

ew i just ate mcdonalds it tastes like shit

by shiteater42069 September 7, 2020


A Place Where Fat People Sue To Get Money. Yes It Is A Place Where Fat People Sue To Get Money.

Random Kid: Let's Go To McDonalds To Get Ice Cream!
Manager: The Ice Cream Machine Is Broken.

by Imposter Gay Balls56565656 January 5, 2022


McDonalds is a popular fast-food restaurant and is well known all over the world. They are known best for their Chicken McNuggets, Varieties of burgers and fries. They sell miniature toys in happy meal boxes to excite children and make them happy. They charge you a decent price for meals to make people want to buy from their restaurant.

“I love McDonalds, I don’t have to spend a lot of money but still get the satisfaction of eating their food and feeling full”

by urban dictionary.org.uk June 1, 2020


bing bing

them mcdonald mfs gay

by yaassssslaayyy November 4, 2021


They're icecream machine is broken all the fucking time.

Sir this is a Mcdonalds

by Trixie_420 October 5, 2021


The surname all ignorant, sub-consciously racist, white British males have. Thinks all black people are from tribes, all Latinos love and eat burritos, and that white people are oppressed. "I'm not racist I have black friends" ass nigga.

Nigga 1: Yo did you here what MrMcdonald said in his last class
Nigga 2: Yeah he asked me which tribe I'm from
Nigga 3: Damn nigga isn't you rich and from the city?
Nigga 2: Yeah bro I told him that and he just asked "but what tribe are you from" again

Nigga 4: Lmao tribe ass nigga
Mr McDonald: That wasn't racist I have black friends

Nigga 2: Oh my bad bro I didn't know

by yomommasfavouritenigga November 24, 2021