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Furry Hater

It's exactly what the name implies. Someone who actively hates on or trolls with furries. These people typically do not like furries, and are really rude and condescending towards them, despite the fact the individual they singled out likely didn't do a thing to them.

People here on Urban Dictionary will tell you furry haters don't go out of there way to do such nonsense, but the name implies otherwise. It is in the name they hate on them. Folks can not like or hate them all they want, you can't control what they like and don't like. What isn' to be tolerated is taking out that anger on someone merely for being a furry. Never even knowing who that person was.

Some have gone as far as doxxing, harassment, and etc. It's all petty nonsense in the end. People live how every they want to live, and who the hell are you to tell them otherwise?

Furry Haters can go fuck themselves.

by Destroyer of zoophiles July 12, 2022

46๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cringe and racist faggot that is against furries; they are commonly found on youtube with some nazi wannabe looking ass pfp, they usually mention their weird fetish on videos that aren't even related to furries. you'll most likely only find them on youtube shorts since they are 7-12 year old kids with a short attention span that got brainwashed into becoming a nazi. i mean, it's really messed up how they just get pushed into these insane trends. but hey, if you are an anti-furry, you can go suck my tiny dick you furry in denial. but i also found some pedophiles that simp for anti-furries(yes they actually exist), and to those same pedophiles, the anti-furry community isn't gonna let you hit, stop simping over them nigga, you can go say "oh the anti-furry community is gonna laugh at your cringy statement!1!111!1" but no they fucking aren't, they are so sensitive that speaking the honest truth gets them all pissed off and stuff, speaking of truth, they can't even argue, i saw some guy that kept saying "oh furries are bad", and when i asked him why, he kept saying "i don't need to prove it", and he kept thinking he was some genius or some shit. but yeah, you don't need to have hate in your heart. just admit that you're a furry so i can fuck you already...

anti-furry: hey, i am anti-furry!
furryfucker445: doesn't that make you a racist?
anti-furry: the fuck you mean?
furryfucker445: well, it's all based off one question, why do you hate furries?
anti-furry: because they're cringe and sussy
furryfucker445: well, using your own logic, you are a racist because you assume that all black people are cotton pickers that love chicken
Anti-furry: N-no that isn't true!!!!
furryfucker445:shut the fuck up

by FurryFucker445 July 21, 2023

221๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Hater

Someone who, not only disagrees with the idea of a furry, but does so violently.

These people usually have never even attempted to understand the furry culture, nor have ever considered just shutting up and letting the furries do their thing and doing their own thing themselves.

Furry Haters are frequently seen in furry focused forums and chatrooms, there only to troll.

A: is a furry hater, B: is a furry

B: Hi room! :3
A: hey...
B: Hey there B *glomps, tail wagging
A: *pushes the stupid furfag off him and shoots him in the balls
B: wtf, what's wrong with you?
A: stfu you stupid faggot, you don't deserve to live.

by Raserith September 19, 2009

492๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Hater

A Huge Ass Fuck Who Has No Idea What Fandom Theyre Talking About.

Person: Im A Furry Hater! Yiff In Hell Furries!
Me:Do Your Research. You Sound Like A Man With Anger Issues.

by OTNDGuy1444 May 18, 2023

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucking furries

used when you hate furries

look at them fucking furries

by Pikachu1868 September 14, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

furry fart

A vaginal Quief. Can also be referred to as a "vart", or a "pussy fart".

After having mind blowing sex Mary let out a loud and long furry fart then sat back contentedly.

by Mr. Dingles June 15, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


If this is a copy of the original entry Iโ€™m sorry. But anti Furrys are a particular group of people. Who has the other entrys suggest does not like that furry community and has a. Costco receipt of reasons. Iโ€™m just gonna list some more โ€œpopular onesโ€ first up is being exposed to the furry community at a extremely young age. And most likely being scarred for life because even though the furry say โ€œitโ€™s a small Minorityโ€ the thousands of children that get scarred every day because of that would disagree. Because there is always mountains of it and to be honest if this gets disliked into oblivion and buried that just proves my point that theyโ€™ll try to hide anything that isnโ€™t agreeing with them and I do have to admit the anti-furry community can be very very toxic. But that does not excuse the type of behavior that happens in the furry community. Number two is the fetishes such as but not limited to zoophillea/bestiality, inflation, vore and necrophilia. And for some reason doing the kitchen sink no I could keep going but this is getting bloated as is so Iโ€™m just gonna cut it right here and give you the ways you can use anti-furry in a sentence.

Number one: oh is ( ) a anti-furry

Number two: I hope my anti-furry neighbor doesnโ€™t find out Iโ€™m a furry

Number three: The anti-furry movement can be quite toxic

by White ops arcade August 23, 2022

94๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž