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Gat Rape

v. To ram ones gat up another's ass, and discharge a bullet (or many) into aforementioned person's ass and body.

Ex 1. Shitty goddamn, you just gat raped me!

Ex. 2- Oh my god, there are bits of intestines everywhere, did you gat rape someone, Steven?

by 5MD December 13, 2008

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vape rape

The addition of semen or or other liquid to a person's vape juice without his/her knowledge, such that he or she will unwittingly inhale the substance.

John totally vape raped Mike last night; that's a cold-ass way to make someone your bitch for life.

by secretdonkey2 September 15, 2015

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Rape Candy

That generic Halloween you get that has no words on it. Only a single creepy image.. Like a Smiley face

Andrew bought that rape candy again... He's creepy as hell..

by Brian Heath Renner October 15, 2008

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Rape 'Stache

(n.) A Certain Type Of Mustache That Seems Like It Would Be That Of A Rapist, Pedophile,Or Stalker

Guy: OMG!

Guy 2: Whats Wrong Man?

Guy: That Creepy Guy On Dateline Had Total Rape 'Stache! Guy 2: Damn your Right, Thats Creepy As Hell!

by Aekcihc Anaisioul Seyepop November 15, 2009

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Anal Rape

The act of sticking a fully erect dick into another persons anal cavity without their consent, usually followed by them screaming no, and 20 years to life in prison.

Dude 1: you ok man?

Dude 2: no man, I got Anal Raped by tyrone in the shower.

by BiggestDickith February 18, 2019

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Like Rape

Abusing a Facebook function where you can "like" a friend's status or wall activity.

Like raping would consist of liking at least the last 50 activity notes on any one person's profile page, resulting in a copious and rather annoying amount of activity notifications.

Michelle: I just logged on to Facebook and I had 843 notifications. What the hell is going on?
Lee: Haha, Sam must've like raped you.
Michelle: Yes he did. How annoying! Now all my important notifications are lost within this rubbish.

Faye: It's Michelle's birthday today. Are you going to bake her a cake?
Sam: No, I'm going to Facebook like rape her instead.

by Sam Cornwell June 20, 2009

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Cheeky Rape

An expression used far too casually and frequently at university institutes. The phrase is horrifically graphic and very offensive however is commonly used on a daily basis by the residents of kidder-minster or "kiddy" for short. It can be used to express just about anything that has just happened. However it is often flung violently at people when they have done wrong, or is commonly used when the individual is feeling a little more sexually frustrated than normal.

Andy "shall we go out tonight?"
Matt " nah lets watch the united game then go for a cheeky rape"
Andy "...nice"

Matt "crikey the things i would do for a cheeky rape today"

Matt "I was just sitting in my room when all i could think about was a cheeky rape"

Matt "get me some sugar puffs and a whole bowl of cheeky rape!"

by Sugarman1 August 16, 2010

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