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poverty line

when ranking an individual out of 10, the poverty line separates the acceptable hookups (looked on favourably by your friendship group), from the people you should not even consider planting your seed in. If someone is above the poverty line they are objectively better than a 5/10 on the attractiveness scale.

"Fuck bro I got with this girl last night and she was below the poverty line, I feel violated".
"I fucked a guy last night, but don't worry he was above the poverty line".

by bigcocknoballs May 17, 2021

Thirst Line

A lineup of girls that you only talk to when the Thirst hits.

Joey: Dang Marc who was that girl you were getting last night!!??
Marc: Ah she's old news she is a member of my Thirst Line.

by Gotyeeee April 14, 2016

Vaccine line

A vaccine line is still a line to fall into. Instead of being told another country (like China) is the enemy, people are told the coronavirus is the enemy. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall in line for anything you're told you're supposed to fall in line for.

A vaccine line is another line for an entity to try and keep people from getting out of, or standing against.

by Solid Mantis April 12, 2021

The Andy Line

Joining point of the neck and double chin on fat or overweight men

Right we'll just take it down to the andy line.

by jackson penelope April 10, 2019

Fail Lines

1. Lines of snow that appear across a failure's driveway. This person (usually a migrant from Illinois to the fine state of Wisconsin) sucks so bad at shoveling their driveway that they create fail lines in places where the snow overflowed from either side of their shovel. Usually these lines run horizontally for the entire length of their driveway.

2. It can also be a noun describing the person previously described.

1. Man 1: Dude, you have to clean up those fail lines.
Man 2: Yea, I know. Three people already asked if I was from Chicago.

2. "That new neighbor of yours roots for the Bears? He must be such a fail lline..."

by The Wonderful WIz January 17, 2011

The Brown Line

How close you can come to shitting yourself, without actually shitting yourself. Usually caused by explosive diarrhea.

I almost crossed the brown line this morning, I Just managed to get my pants down and take a seat before I decorated the Oval Office

by Choppasm April 12, 2023

jeffy line

Running a zig-zag path to get somewhere, so that if a line were to drawn marking your trail it would resemble Jeffy's sojourns in the comic strip "The Family Circus".

At Carlos' party last night, Jeremy ran a real jeffy line trying to avoid Eve's mom

by mileysuckswhattednugentkicks June 8, 2016