Pan is another word for whore. A derogative term commonly used to describe a female who is affiliated with more than one man at once. This term is frequently used in the Caribbean island in St. Christopher and Nevis.
"She is dating both Tom and still Dick, and she is still sleeping with Harry. She is such a pan"
"She like she is errybody ex. She a big ass pan"
"Yain gah a boyfriend? And you still wan John? Das a pan move"
A term for marijuana popularized by the drunken peasants.
1: Smoke pan everyday
2: yo man how much pan you got?
OMG! ronny is so so pan, i never knew you could be pale and tan at the same time! RADICAL
Abbreviation for Pussy Ass Nigga
Man he a PAN I would’ve been beat that nigga the moment he tried that shit with me
When a person is majority white and they still try to claim there hispanic side
Logan is 70 percent white but still claims his hispanic more
Dutch word for snap reffering to snapchat, where the reversed the word snap
Drill rapper: "you're only on my block for a pans"