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Colorado drag race

Interstate 25 in Colorado, especially the section between Colorado Springs and Denver that is mostly only 2 lanes on each side, is notorious for drivers who block the left lane doing 60 mph because they feel the need to pass the guy in the right lane doing 59.7 mph. (The speed limit is 75.) This is called Colorado drag racing.

I have a flight out of DIA in an hour and a half, and I'm gonna miss it if I can't get around this Colorado drag racer in front of me!

by DpRock April 15, 2011

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

jag off race

When two people driving in front of you are going the same speed and the jag off in the fast lane won't move over.(in Pittsburgh)

I would of been on time but I got stuck in a jag off race.

by Tomaykoplumbing May 10, 2016

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

PC master Race

it's PC hardware enthusiast definition , PC gamers are classified under this, it due to being superior to the mainstream market console gaming, The PC master race to obtain best hardware or close to, have a PC that shun the capabilities of a console to shame,

Console gamer: you PC elitist noob, your pirate everything, my console is easier and stuff to play, and i'm really pro at Call of Duty.

PC gamer: lol... what?

Console Gamer: you and your PC master race spending $4000 on ya PC , your stupid

PC gamer: we don't pirate games, we buy things from steam for cheap, cheaper then any console game has to offer, and we don't spend $4000 on a PC, as we don't buy alienware mainstream rip off crap,we get custom PC's, we also enjoy gaming at max settings at high resolution 1080+, at 60 FPS, we just enjoy how a game is suppose to be played and visually what it suppose to look like, and we don't care for Call of Duty, as it's just a stupid console game that runs on a super old engine and for people with no skill BS autoaim for shity console controllers its like bs, its a low demanding game, that's why it sells so good, most people are too cheap and stupid and don't have any intelligence to even build a PC or learn how operate a PC. it also lacks skill to play it, as its one most generic easy games to play, the whole gaming industry is flawed by casual console crowed as now everything is hinderd by crap console ports, its console gamers that contuine buy every Call of duty game saying its ok give me same bs game over and over coz im a stupid retarded sheep and don't know any better, but hey we already knew 70% of people are like this, just bunch dumb asses that smart fookers prey on, its us smart people that get rich and prey on them

by Hardware Engineer and GameDev October 23, 2013

673πŸ‘ 267πŸ‘Ž

Critical Race Theory

Or CRT or Can’t be Responsible for Themselves Is the theory based on being a victim at all times. This theory perpetuates the idea of being lesser and will never bring one to the realization that only they, themselves, can be their own salvation. See Free Will.

Man Critical Race Theory is just another way of keeping us down. FACTS.

by CKing31 November 24, 2021

380πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

yellow race

the only people that I know that have yellow type skin are the blonde people of scandanavian decent.
To be a little more political correct.Unmixed blonde, have yellow hair, blue eye. Skin texture is somewhat yellow to dark yellow orange color, not to much hair on body, little thin hair on eye brows.Many may have many freckles on body arms and face.Usually heavy mixed with southern Euro's(Whites), probably more than what South American Indian are mixed with Spanish(Whites) decent.those millions that are mixed, usually they refer to themselves as whites, only having blue eye with dark hair or blonde hair with brown eyes, with similar texture skin as those of southern euro's. Blonde hair with blue eyes are sometimes reffered to as blonde,Ethnic Identity just caucasian for simplicity sake.Becuase of TV brought the world closer together, there is more of a subliminial agreement that these two groups are in the same race and ethnic Identity, which is really false, since both groups have same Head structure, rounds eyes, thin lips, big hands, long legs long arms they are under caucasian, but vary in skin texture and color. Both groups know each other differnece, taking extremes sides, they are different.

Many countries under caucasian, and every country could say, you look armenian, you look Italian, you look German, you look Spanish, you look Russian, you look from finland etc. Not to political correct, caucasians since caucasian mountian are by Armenia. I should be more like Southern Euro's and Sadanavians.
yellow race

catoon people usually have yellow complexion, yellow race

by Los Angeles211 September 3, 2006

5πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

nique ta race

Literally "fuck your race" in French. Translates as "fuck off" or "fuck you". Suburbian slang used to offensively send away or address refusal. It is sometimes considered as a racist expression because of the word "race", but its presence in slang expressions has become merely climactic (like "mère", mother).

Tu veux que j'aillle le balancer aux flics? Nique ta race bΓ’tard! = You want me to rat him out to the cops? Fuck you bastard!

Qu'est-ce que tu fous lΓ ? Va niquer ta race! = What the fuck are you doing here. Fuck off!

by The Ultimate Cunt May 30, 2009

58πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Critical Race Theory

Or CRT or Can’t be Responsible for Themselves Is the theory based on being a victim at all times. This theory perpetuates the idea of being lesser and will never bring one to the realization that only they, themselves, can be their own salvation. See Free Will.

Man Critical Race Theory is just another way of keeping us down. FACTS.

by CKing31 November 24, 2021

123πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž