A verb describing the use of a spoon, probably sharpened, to stab a human in the anus. This is used is prisons in Australia, as the spoon is the only metal in the prison system.
Josh: Did you hear Terry did a Crim-shank?
Sam: F*** that’s so bad.
A sharp knife being used in a sexual way.
Billy:"I was going to stab you last night, but I met up with a girl"
Jimmy:"How did the girl stop you from stabbing me?"
Billy:"Because i used the knife on the girl, we did some Sexy Shank"
Dip Shank is an insult used mostly by elementary school students it basically means "Little pile of shit".
Shh you dip shank
the biggest bitch you’ll ever know
“You know that girl in math class, yeah she’s a total kathryn shank”
A term use to inform someone that you are about to stab and rob them.
Person One: Listen here pal. Make one move and I'll shiggley shank you.
Person Two: *Shaking* Ok man I-I'll do what you w-want just don't shiggley shank me.