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A punch in the arm, delivered in a friendly manner.

I just gave Peter a big ol' slug.

by Butternubbs Lardo November 20, 2017


A derogitory term used against people of African descent, stemming from the fact that their lips are the size as well as shape of a slug.

Man, my car got stolen out of my driveway. I know i shouldn't have moved into this neighborhood in Federal Way infested with slugs.

by deekallday June 14, 2011


When being depressing and ruins the mood

If someone is crying and bitching/moaning they are Slugging

*Jordan is being depressing and playing sad music*

Me: ugh Jordan your being such a slug

Me: Eyal your being such a slug, everyone is happy and your ruining the mood.

*jordan keep crying and complaining to everyone*

Me: Jordan stop slugging we’re trying to have a party.

by AmericanIsraeli November 11, 2019


\ ˈsləg \ A portmanteau of slut + ugly. A woman who is offensive or unpleasant to any sense and is also a promiscuous person : someone who has many sexual partners.

Yo time to battle off these slugs Dees been bringin around the Nolia.

by !THE JPC! May 14, 2021


Another word used for a dollar

Bet a slug on it

by Big Liq May 31, 2018


Single Lock Up Garage

Unit has an open plan living area and a SLUG.

by eagleaus February 20, 2009


A `catchline` in CS50 that is used to identify Problem Sets

The slugs allow the command(check50/submit50) to know what problem is being checked/submitted.

by CS50 April 15, 2022