a annoying, short, white, scrawny kid
Dude Carter doesn’t stop texting me, he legit has no friends
A man that nobody likes. He likes to do in appropriate things on tables. Not in a good way. Overall just a weird man.
You are being a carter right now.
Carter is a person named Carter
Noelle: "Hey who is Carter?"
Jade: "Carter"
A girl who isn’t always the brightest but the most amazing friend you would ever have she loves everyone maybe a little too much all the guys love her because she a baddie she tends to flirt wish everyone but isn’t shy about it she’s a engergetic loud amazing person when she wants to be
Guy 1: Omg that girl over there is so thiccc
Friend 1: Her names carter you could get her easily she flirts with EVREYONE
carter uses "POV" all the time
Person 1: "Hey"
Person 1: "Well okay then"
sexy man that is verry orgasmic is missing 5 toes on each foot and it the defantion of cancer but he has a big peepee
mom: hey honey i fucked carter and cheated on you
dad:its okay huny i hear he is verry orgasmic
son: im carter and im ur fucin son and u fucked me