Jason: You know that girl?
Peter: Yeah, she’s a total London Tillmon
Well........................................................................Khake Toh Dekho.........................................
London bubble Co.
What Is This...... Dish Khake Toh Dekho
When you use a London Fog tea as bong water
We hit that London Bong and it was pretty okay; if London Bong is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
In this modern iteration of a traditional Blumpkin, party1 sits reverse cowgirl on the toilet bowl, fellating party2 while they deposit an upper-decker into the tank. This gives the appearance of riding a double-decker bus. If both parties are simultaneously pooping, the terminology can be upgraded to "Royal Flush".
I heard the Queen used to give out London Blumpkins at Buckingham Palace. One lucky guy even got a Royal Flush!
A tall skinny woman built like a man, no curves, no behind, short hair, ponytail, lesbian figure type
"Oh my god!! Why did she get so thin, she's built like a London Clean!"
London Clean
A tall skinny woman built like a man, no curves, no behind, short hair, ponytail, lesbian figure type
Oh my god!! Why did she get so thin, she's built like a London Clean!"
A London girl is an aspiring loser, typically from Kent (because people from Kent like to call themselves Londoners because there's a fast commuting train), with good looks who is capable of cadging money off rich, successful, much older Londoners.
Lucie is such a La la la London girl, she’s managed to go on holiday yet again to Greece again after cadging her airfare from a software consultant from London