You still going out with Joey M?
Nah, he's a loser, I'm done tasting that.
Top of the Done list, worst Done there could ever be
To mishear a sentence or utterance, and therefore make up a vaguely plausible alternative from one’s imagination.
Oh no, she’s done a Tish on this one!
When some thing dissapears with you having no idea where it went
My phones done a houdini on me
Done to be Dead - DTBD is a group name created by a group of individuals who represent nothing is impossible until your dead meaning you can do anything you put your mind to as-long as you standing
Done to Be dead is my Motto
When a GIRL gets mad at you she says "YOUR DONE PERIOD"only when she is really nagged
Boy-1 That bitch told "Your done period"
Girl Come here :)