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new years noodle

When someone is acting like a lemon on New Years.

Jake stop being a New Years Noodle and enjoy the party!

by Aniidid January 4, 2018

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two-year plan

To befriend a woman that is out of your league in order to sleep with her when she's vulnerable and turns to you for support.

John two-year planned Kelly by being her best friend and shoulder to lean on. Then when she got dumped, she turned to him to "comfort" her. That's when she realized what she's been looking for has been sitting under her nose all along... her best friend.

by Cameron Fay December 4, 2006

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60 year old

A dumb ass who cant spell boomer

Ok boomer 60 year old

by Tdark November 18, 2019

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A teenager who is 14 years old.

"A 14-year-old is 14 years old no shit Sherlock"

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName August 31, 2022

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HD New Year's

The New Year's that's celebrated by a group of people watching the count down from an HD TV. Because of HD's brief delay, this celebration takes place about 10 seconds after the entire timezone has experienced the real New Year's.

Hey, we're counting down again!?!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEARS!! again?
What was that all about?
Haha, that was the HD New Year's!

by MISTER WOO January 1, 2010

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first-year drunk

The state of inebriation most commonly attained only by first year students of university

Guy 1: Hey I just finished my exam, whats happening tonight?
Guy 2: Let's go to Koerner's and get first-year drunk!

by seeapeddle October 19, 2010

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New Years Eve

A day were everyone gets drunk as fuck with the bestest of their friends; maybe family too. Consists of hard liquor, beertastic beer, and illegal fireworks which completes the night.

*Phone rings* "Uggh, who is this?"

"It's steve, I'm comin' to get you out of your mother's basement, we're getting drunk as fuck!"

"What day is it again?"

"Don't act like an FNG, it's New Years Eve. We're storming the liquor stores at 1700 hours!"

by Le Derpson December 25, 2011

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