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jeremy head

The lowest of the low. Jeremy heads tend to be on the left side of the political spectrum. They are usually either a Furry or a Bronie and have also been known to shoot up schools.

Look at that Jeremy head over there he is masterbaiting to furry porn.
Oh no! That Jeremy head reached into his backpack we should run away!

by Epicito September 17, 2018

Toilet head

adj. A person whose ideas are utter bullshit.

1: Girl, is your head a toilet? 'Cause you're really full of shit!
2: That feminazi is such a toilet head, she could use a good flushing... If you know what I mean ;)

by SDoodle June 28, 2016

hollywood head

getting a blowjob in a movie theater

"dude, howd your date go?" "oh mannn, we went to this scary movie so she was all grabbin my hand and shit really hard, so i whipped out my dick and when she reached for my hand again she got herself a pleasant surprise, and get this -- the bitch loved it! then she put her mouth on my piece and gave me some fine-ass hollywood head"

by Jasper S April 25, 2008

Standing Head

A situation in which a female gives a male head while they are both standing. This may have to be accomplished by the male standing on some sort of furniture. If you are really excited, a male may do this while on stilts. Balance could be an issue.

Ellen: "Chris do you want me to give you standing head?"
Chris: "Yeah let me grab my stilts."

by KingjamesIV December 22, 2011

Culture Head

Is any person that embraces any particular set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and actively practices the same characterizations of an institution, organization, group or community.

Suzie and Johnny embrace the vegetarian culture and practice not eating animal or animal bi-products, as the people in their pro-vegetarian club practices as well. Thus, Suzie and Johnny are culture heads.

by AlwaysWordGeeking March 3, 2009

Watermelon Head

Big ass head

Gina got a big ass watermelon head on top of her neck.

by Jsbdjdeksn June 15, 2018

Head canon

An interpretation of a piece of media that is not shown or confirmed in the original but is believed to be true simply for preference.
May also include direct deviations from the canon.

In a perfect world, instead of Philip, Grog would have recited Percy's full name perfectly as his 'fancy name' and, after a moment of stunned silence, Percy would have added, 'You can just call him Percy.'"

...This is my new head canon.

by Haomakk April 7, 2021