1.(noun)A girl so big and disgusting that she has been banished to the Jungle to roam.
Jungle Troll
A person going onto Urban Dictionary basically once or twice a week just to troll on the internet by writing posts that will make people angry. They are usually about people, places, or celebrities that they are just really jealous of their talent, money, and beauty. They basically write about Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, and (ugh) kim kardashian.
Person 1 - Ugh did you see that Urban Troll talking so much sh*t about Paris Hilton?!
Person 2 - Omg yes they are sooo jelly of them like wtf!!!11!!!!1
A male with rotted teeth that uses others tragic events to pick up their ex-wife or widow because he has absolutely zero game to pick up women. Can't afford to buy replace his teeth or a toothbrush to maintain oral hygiene. Generally a useless dipshit with no pride or morals. See also fool or Peter leech.
Have you met Caleb he's such a worthless troll. He's a girlfriend leech and a piece of shit.
A loud, moderately unattractive woman who thinks she owns the bar because she's slept with a number of bouncers/bartenders. Named for creatures that frequent the Grog House in Gainesville, FL, but is applicable to any obnoxious drunk woman who you'd like to smack but you know would beat your civilized ass in a fight.
I went out looking for some strange, but the bar was full of nothing but Grog trolls. I'd rather masturbate with sand paper.
A natural occurrence of idiocracy.
A metaphorical mass of "pwnage" falling rapidly down any form of group communication (e.g. forum, blog, wall post, conversation, etc.) directed at a single person or group resulting in them being buried beneath the trolling of their pride, credibility, intellect or any other interpretation of their social worth based on reputation, education or lack thereof.
Person 1: Power-lifting and Strongman events are real workouts, CrossFit is just an easy way of getting injured.
Person 2: Oh you think so, why don't you come try a workout at the CrossFit gym with "us" today?
Person 1: You don't even know how hard I kill it in the gym everyday.
Person 2: First off why are you avoiding my workout invitation?
Person 3: You can't go talking down about something you have no idea about, when you haven't even tried it; plus I'm sure that if I went to the gym with you I could do everything you do in relation to our weight and weight being lifted.
Person 4: Did this guy just go from speaking in generalities, quantitative data, to rebutting with his qualitative experiences because he has no empirical data to back his shit it up?
Person 5: I think person 1 just got "Troll-anched"
Typically found in online forum threads and in comments sections on various articles and social networks, zombie trolls are dedicated to creating division, chaos, and hostility in discussion threads, often to the point of creating permanent divisions, and influencing other real discussion participants to take the same aggressive and divisive positions, and to create the same chaos and divisions on other threads.
Zombie trolls differ from regular trolls in that they play both sides of discussions in order to start fights. Zombie trolls have multiple social media and other discussion accounts, and use them to incite fights between the sides, often to the point of fighting with themselves after everyone else has left the threads.
They are especially prevalent in political threads, where zombie trolls use their multiple accounts to play both sides, and make controversial statements known to cause division in an effort to destroy any productive discussions that might be taking place.
Zombie trolls pose as supporters for candidates during primary contests, where the candidates typically represent similar ideologies, and turn the candidates' real supporters against each other in an effort to create divisions that translate into lower voter turnout for general elections, and victory for the opposing side, which is quite often the zombie troll's preferred side.
Man, those zombie trolls were all over that thread saying that Bernie won the coin flips and that Hillary cheated, and that they won't vote for her if she is nominated. I hope that nobody listens to that thoroughly unproductive and complete and utter pile of zombie troll bullshit, and uses their own brains to think about the consequences for everyone if she loses the general election.
I caught a zombie troll! He attacked his preferred candidate's primary opponent, when the candidate himself went on live national TV and said to support her if he didn't win the nomination. I called it out as unproductive zombie trolling, and reminded everyone of what our candidate really said to do, and then I moved on, because there is no point in having a discussion with a zombie troll who is dedicated to creating chaos and division.
House troll- Roommate who loves to scavenge your food, drink your booze; make a mess and not clean up; then disappear into the room cave when there's work or help needed. They enjoy appearing and taking full advantage of parties and visits by the ladies... then once again... disappear after they scavenge the wine/ food/women that is not theirs; then scuttle back into the cave.
We just spent hours getting our party together and the house troll shows up again just in time to drink Jerry's wine and disappear out of sight again.