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Butt-ass early

Really early

We’re gonna have to get up butt-ass early tomorrow

by Assterblaswteer March 27, 2023

Butt Fuckle

The cute non gay way of getting anal

“Hey Noah wanna butt fuckle?”
Ohhhhh yes!!!”

by Buckle futter April 21, 2024


1. A person who places a dialysis needles in an improper fashion at or around the fistula.

2.A failed flavored sucker from Bart's Every Flavored Candy

You all are butt-suckers, now we're my slippers.

by Walter Waterloo October 9, 2019

butt schwangler

A guy who goes around teaching women to love anal sex by opening them up to the possibility of enjoying getting a dick in their ass.

"Gustav is a real Butt Schwangler, he showed Barbara who thought she'd never be an anal lover how to take his 8-in cock up her ass with ease. Now she begs him for it."

by ButtSchwangler December 12, 2023

B.i.B (Blanket in the Butt)

All day spent on the couch generally not giving a f*ck about the world or interacting with the human race. Wrapped in a blanket, it's the ultimate chill day. Waisting your entire day watching TV, playing video games, watching movies, often times in your pajamas and not showered for the entire day. B.i.B usually occurres following a long work week, a night of heavy partying, or when your home sick.

Ex 1) You're hungover? Are we gonna see you later or are you B.i.B (Blanket in the Butt)?

Ex 2) I had a f*cked week at work, I'm B.i.B all weekend...

Ex 3) I've got the cold from hell, I'm B.i.B with some hot & sour soup and Theraflu.

by T. Dub January 12, 2013


The little turd that’s left behind on your butt and no matter how much you wipe there’s still poop .

No matter how much I wiped that butt-grissle was still there.

by Fartgoblinxo January 3, 2025

shit from a butt

When you say something is shit, but you really wanna emphasize it.

Kevin: Dude, did you see how badly the Washington Wizards lost against the Thunder last night?

Daniel: Yeah, that team is literal shit from a butt.

by conflict dude February 25, 2024