When the vagina gives off a strong overbearing smell of dookie, but the asshole somehow smells like pussy
Damn girl wtf did you douche with a baby diaper, that shit is disgusting... make me wanna eat your ass instead, you got that butt pussy
When a person sticks his or her big toe into their own ass. It can be either the left or right big toe.
The practice originated in Syrian prisons as a torture technique used on captives. It’s since gained popularity amongst ISIS members outside of prison.
Yo, did you see how freaky Allen is? He pulled off the Syrian Butt Plug.
Where you put spices up someone’s butt and fuck it
I’m gonna spicy butt fuck you tonight
The unexpected pleasant feeling of warmth upon sitting down somewhere that was recently taken up, or occupied.
Anthea revelled in a pre-butt moment when the door to the Ladies finally opened, and she sat down on on a lovely heated toilet seat.
Junior gave up his seat on the subway to an older man, who sat down and thanked him for his lovely pre-butt moment.
someone who metaphorically tastes butts. someone who sucks a lot and therefore probably spends their time tasting butts.
Person A: The other day I was talking to Joe and he was being a total douche.
Person B: What a butt taster!
The physical of putting your middle finger (stinky finger) in a girls booty.
Cody gave Tori a butt hornet last night and then she dies of orgasmic pleasure.
its when someone fart on your butt and it get crust in your butt crack. Or you don't wipe your self good
you have butt crust eeewww