ditching your friends (who are boys) to do something else with another person, usually a girl
Jason: are you coming to Ethan's house tomorrow?
Andrew: Nah sorry I'm hanging out Lucinda
Jason: come on man, you're dogging out the boys
person 1:have you seen Braiden's dogs bcc.
person 2: its so big!
When someone always “accidentally” forgets their wallet.
Kevin got me with the ol’ shu-dog again when we went to snow beach yesterday.
A sort of clean version of the word "clusterfuck". This word stems from a Google mistranslation of a Korean phrase, referencing a "clusterfuck of low-quality spaghetti code madness."
"What kind of shit did I just walk into?"
"You should have known such a big party would have turned into a festival of dogs."
Having 0 underwear on.
Larry:No WAY ur RAW-DOGGING it right now
Gary: yeah i am wanna see?
Saying you’ve been immunized instead of vaccinated and going face to face with people without protection.
Hey Aaron -stop raw dogging me in the huddle!