@Kitty / Urban Dictionary- Super-white•A person of Nordish,Anglo,Viking,blood who believes that the African American race is not separated from Americans. They also believe in inclusion as a means to erase the past deeds of their ancestors thus they have no responsibility whatsoever for the African American plight. Also believes we are not entitled to 40 acres and a mule as promised. These people truly believe that everything the African American race has been through and are going through have nothing to do whatsoever with systemic racism
Ben:Bruh you late where you been?
***Alex exits car and slams the door
Alex:Got jammed up some super white pulled me over I was lucky he didn't get stupid on me. Just let me off with a speech about how I'm squandering all my chances to be an American.
The act of being white and changing your name to a black name so you can stand in solidarity with the BLM movement
Ja’shaun: That white nigga named Adam changed his name to Jamal
Tyrese: ain’t that cultural appropriation?
Ja’korey: nah nigga, that’s white boy jamal
You probably have tons of recipes that utilizes its creamy, delicious goodness, but we bet that are a few things you didn’t know about Cool Whip. That little Blue and White Tub is famous for being used as storage solutions for knick-knacks, doo-dads, and other kitschy items, but we think it’s safe
Tub with blue and white coloring.
Gotta try this but with the regular Blue and White Tub of cool whip
Cool Whip is the stuff you find in the grocery store freezer section that comes in a plastic Blue and White Tub. Whipped cream is found in the dairy section and comes in an aeros
Pretending to like someone and then talking shit about them behind their backs
James: oh hey Tyler
Tyler: oh hey we should link up later
James: alright bro I'll hit you up tomorrow
*tyler leaves*
James: Fuck Tyler hes a bitch
Stranger: man that's some white girl friendly shit
Wants a "goth" gf
Has a short back and sides or icecream hair
Harasses people on the streets especially actual alt people or the elderly
Is a member of the polyester patrol
Carries a some form of knife because they can't fight
Acts in a very metrosexual way around "the boys" but is violently homophobic
Thinks they grew up in a warzone but rather just in a dilapidated UK town
Is very predatory around women and exploits mentally ill women
Manipulates their gf into being just as awful as they are
Says the word "Blud" or "Leng" more than once a month
Watched one episode of Top Boy
If you fill this check list sort your life out mate.
Isabel: "I think somethings wrong with my drink"
Basic white guy (UK): "No there isn't, it's supposed to fizz like that"