A sarcastic name for a close friend or lover.
Come over joor, big head!
Let's go now, big head
Olaniran is a 'big head'
Big head normally relates to a person called gavin, Gavin normally has a fucking ginormous head and you can see it from the other side of the fucking universe. His head looks like a deformed potato. Gavin has a terrible personallity, each time he sees someone he doesn't like he charges his ultimate move headbutt which completely obliterates the person from existence.
Aidan: Hey you know gavin?
Jeremy: Ohhh yeah Big Head
Aidan: Yeah him
Jeremy: Yeah i really dont like him
*Hears Foosteps*
Aidan: Oh fuck your dead
*Gavin used headbutt*
Aidan: Well he had a good life
Bryan Luke Rabalais™ ginormous boulder between his two shoulders. Legend says the sun rotates around that thing.
“How do I measure the circumference of that Big Head?”
When your name is Bradley Allen and sometimes you duck in and out of
Peoples gay 3sum’s
One day I was duck head and it was the biggest mistake
When you can't remember anything recent from the last 2 hours, and not aware about important events. This is caused from some severe brain injury.
Girl: I can't believe you cheated on me with a hoe.
Guy: Oh my gosh, how do you remember that?!
Girl: Jeez! It's not like i have Post Head Trauma Syndrome!!
When someone is giving you a head ache in a good way :)
Shaylie your giving me a fat ass head ache