I will use an expression: “old dog”.
1. being old dog( talking about age), an old person;
2. in knowing many things, with experience;
3.with many skills, a clever person; 4. in sens religious, talking about God Father(the DOG);
5. in dirty language, talking about men’s sexual organs, being with experience, having many partners, having virility or being viril; with sexual appetite ;
6. about a person, being protective , keeping a long friendship with someone, like an dog; confident.
“ Did you saw my old dog? You will love it! Is making a good job!”
Most find it a loving companion. Terrorists and Ruskies use it to blow stuff up
Red Army Soldier: Blyat! Get that tank, Fido! Dog: Arf! -kaboom-
Someone that is know as a Dog in the Australian jail system as a lagger or a give up or a deadset piece of shit and works with the police 👮 ♀️ And writes statements on people.
Hey brother ya your walking with is a lagging dog that works with the police and writes statements on cunts
something someone says to imply "I know I'm not supposed to behave that way."
the disorderly youth who said 'what's up dog' on appearing added irony to his behavior