A noun used to describe someone of short stature, and whose meal consists of mainly vegetables(Is known for being a common nuisance).
Mike: "Hey bro stop eating grass, you're being such a white shadow."
Chad: "No problem Mike."
1: Cocaine.
2: A "straight white male", a term used either as a symbol of pride by the scummiest possible people (racist sexist homophobic Neo-Nazis) or derogatorily by SJWs.
Druggie: "I'm gonna go snort some of the straight white and be right back, 'kay?"
Neo-Nazi Fanfic: "It is the year 2050, I am the last straight white male. This is my story."
You: "People like Andrew Tate deserve to be arrested."
SJW: "Shut up. You're a straight white male and straight white males are the end of the world!"
Chloe White is an amazing friend with a big heart. Queen of WHATTTTTT!!!!! Loves sparky with all her heart. Harry potter lover and ppl watcher. Watch out you just may get a text from - A (she is emily)
Did you see that film that Chloe White produced??
When you are subjected to a blow to the head and see a flash of white light. It happens most frequently during football games.
" I stuck their running back good ; but , definitely saw "The White Buffalo".
One sexy bitch with a nice ass.
Haven White and l smashed last night! I’m so lucky
Girl - I got some white ice cream all over my face last night!
Girl 2 - Tastes good doesn't it ;)
This, by law, makes you into butt stuff
Oh, look at Braden wearing his white jeans” “Guys in White Jeans are definitely into butt stuff