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Jizz Booger

The congealed, dry snot-like substance that forms as a consequence of rubbing dried or drying jizz off of one's skin. Jizz boogers are most commonly formed during a second round of sex after finishing inside a vagina or rectum. The action of continued thrusting and withdrawing of one's cock inside of such a jizz-filled orifice will cause the jizz to dry and coagulate into boogers around the area of intercourse. Jizz boogers may also occur after letting jizz dry on one's skin and subsequently trying to rub it off. Not to be confused with smegma.

Guy 1: "So we started having sex again after I finished inside her, and after 20 minutes she was all dry and I had jizz boogers all over my cock"

Guy 2: "Dude, thats gross, you should definitely use some lube next time"

by Chef the Botchmaster May 5, 2011

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clown jizz


Damn, those kids are covered in clown jizz after that art project.

by Half-Paddle December 15, 2015

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During a male-heavy orgy when one individual's head is covered with jizz and left to dry over a matter of hours until the thickness and texture resembles that of a hat.

See Turkish Cum Bath

Hey Mary, I love that new stylish hat you have on! Where did you buy it?

Oh silly, I didn't buy it. The boys came over for a friendly session of jizz-hatting last night!

by Turkish cum goblin September 22, 2011

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jizz spokesman

An extremely perverted 13 yr old australian boy that is always telling other people and other girls around his age on text that he watches hentai every night, how much he jizzes every time he faps, the size of his dick, the filename of the porn folders he has on his phone, the specific content in the folders, the type of porn he watches, and the last time he fapped.

Hey, that damn jizz spokesman chase keeps telling this girl sarah that he measured his dick the other day and said it was 4 inches and even posted it on youtube, and last night he told my fucking girlfriend about a folder on his phone called that has animal crossing isabelle porn in it.

by EenBeen June 11, 2020

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jizz gernade

Word used by Adam Carolla on Love line to describe jacking off

Tony's popping a jizz gernade

by Uhhh Ya November 30, 2005

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shoe jizz

the wet spots on the floor that result from snow being stuck on the bottom of shoes when you enter into a building or house from being outside.

"Aw, man look at all the shoe jizz on the floor!"
"I know, I almost slipped on it!"

by fred carpinski January 9, 2009

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Jizz Pirates

A fictional group of hot, scantally clad women whose job would be to extract semen from men that wouldn't give it up in a world that was female dominated with the idea that women didn't need men.

After the jizz pirates knocked down my door on a mission for "the goods" I soon gave into them.

by Robert Eh May 11, 2005

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