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Alpha Kappa Phi

A regionally recognized and very classy sorority in New York. Not only do these girls know how to party, but they care about their community and, like their motto says, they Strive to Lead. All guys love an Agonian girl since they're the hottest ones around! Very well-rounded and always up for having a good time!

Frat guy1: Did you see that girl in the Alpha Kappa Phi sorority?
frat guy2: yeah dude, she's hot!
frat guy1: that girl's too classy for you...

by flying fires January 11, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chi Alpha Tau

Chi Alpha Tau is a local Sorority at Millersville University. XAT was founded on October 23, 1984. The sorority motto is "Lasting Friendship and Service to Others." The sorority colors are Aqua and Black, with Opal as the Gem. Chi Alpha Tau's mascot is a black cat with aqua eyes.

Chi Alpha Tau is a social service sorority, not a "female frat boy".

Sisters of Chi Alpha Tau are classy, driven women. The bond of sisterhood lasts forever.

by xat sister February 6, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Thee Fattest Fucks at Ball State. They do not have any parties worth showing up to. They are hated by every frat on campus.

"Did you see the Sigma Alpha Epsilon get out his house with a diet coke, it sure is not helping his fat ass"

by Jakefree February 26, 2008

142๐Ÿ‘ 308๐Ÿ‘Ž

alpha particule biatch

An alpha particule biatch is a biatch learning science and mathematics at university. She is often in the top 3 of the most sexiest girl of her year, she desired by all geeks. In fact, she describes the men's orgasm as an exitation that emitted a high energy of alpha particules.

Look all that geeks looking this alpha particule biatch

by duder159 May 17, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

A fraternity founded in 1856 and widely considered one of the coolest fraternities in the United States. That is actually considered one of the coolest fraternities in the United States by its members. They have a lot of successful alumni, but generally the majority of chapters currently in existence have veered from any principled greek life, which is pretty God Damned pathetic. Most guys who join SAE become raging alcoholics and complete assholes, but I know of a couple of chapters that are extremely cool and filled with some really upstanding young men. They are probably considered part of the top tier of fraternities nationally, though they don't have a tradition that is as rich as some other fraternities. The cool chapters are really cool, but the crappy chapters are probably some of the worst that exist on college campuses. Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Wow the SAEs at Johns Hopkins are really fucking cool.

Wow the SAEs at SMU are racist closeted homosexuals who probably make up the poorest performing group of academics in any fraternity ever created... ever.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon, you probably can do better.

by SamBJo October 1, 2007

175๐Ÿ‘ 392๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lambda Chi Alpha

The most unanimously hated "fraternity" all across US college campuses. To men from reputable Greek organizations, LXA is a complete joke for a great number of reasons. They have only one founding father, who had previously founded ANOTHER fraternity (Lambda Pi), and shortly after he founded LXA he resigned his membership. They have a huge number of members; most got lured in by the promise of not having to do a traditional pledgeship (read: they are pussies). You can spot a lambda chi simply by looking for the affliction/tapout shirts, steroids, and gel-crusted hair.

I'm too much of a pussy to go through a real pledge period and want to be in a 'frat' while acting as unfratty as humanley possible. Looks like I'll be joining lambda chi alpha

by Chap Fravers September 25, 2010

201๐Ÿ‘ 506๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigrho Projekt Alpha

The founding class of Sigma Beta Rho at the University of Austin.

Who dem new kids wreckin shop?? Sigrho Projekt Alpha baby!

Zorro, Drag, Skullkandy, Honcho, Roundhouse, Mapquest, Knox, Politix

by skullkandy_d'originale February 8, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž