Source Code

Montana Banana

When dealt any 9 - 2 unsuited for your first 2 down cards in Texas Hold 'em You'll have a better chance of finding a banana tree in Montana then winning a pot with 9 - 2 offsuit in Texas Hold 'em

A Montana Banana is when for your first two cards dealt in the Hole are 9 - 2 unsuited in Texas Hold 'em

by crazysven July 21, 2010

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banana hands

What you have when you fingers are really long, and resemble a banana.

Levi has big banana hands. What a freak

by Battle Star Galactica May 17, 2007

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Banana Leaves

One of many terms used to talk about marijuana secretly.

Dude! Let's get some banana leaves tonight!

by Brizzle Mynizzle April 26, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Rotten Bananas

The coolest band ever created. Members: Koyl and Koly.

Did you hear The Rotten Bananas new song?

by koyl of the rotten bananas August 19, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Banana Crazy

1)The act of "going crazy", similar to the behavior a monkey may exhibit when trying to get a banana. The monkey may do whatever necessary to get the banana (scream, jump, kill other monkeys, etc.), and said actions may be justified because the monkey is simply "going banana crazy."

This term is frequently use in online video games, in the context that certain, noob pwning guns are "banana crazy."

Bob:Why is that kid throwing a tantrum at his own birthday party?
Fred:Oh, he wanted to lick the frosting off of the candles, but his mom said he would just eat 'em again. Now he's just going banana crazy...

Mitch: You're getting so many kills with that RPG!
Joe: I know, the RPG is totally banana crazy! It pwns noobs like they're going out of style!

by Ean Longjohn September 9, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

white banana

A white penis, or a misheard lyric from Foxx's "Wipe Me Down." You decide.

Drunk Guy: Hey ladies!
Ladies: Fuck off, asshole... white banana! WHITE BANANA!!!

by drlngaesthete October 30, 2007

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Banana Slamma

When an individual(s) partake in the chugging of an alcoholic beverage, typically beers.

Prior to the rapid consumption, the individual(s) may decide to scream the phrase "Banana Slamma!" derived from the hit TV show Donkey Kong Country.

"Johnny boy, you know what time it is? It's time for a BANANA SLAMMA!" -Waddams

by The Bys December 15, 2010

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